

为了提高学术交流的效率,我们强调所有作者必须通过本刊的电子投稿平台提交稿件。请以Microsoft Word格式上传文档。



本刊承诺推崇学术卓越,因此强调所有投稿作品必须具备原创性,且未在其他正式出版物上发表。为了体现我们对知识共享的承诺,作者在投稿时需同意签署《创作共用4.0国际许可协议(CC BY 4.0)》。

Types of Articles

This journal accepts submissions including academic articles, translations, notes, and book reviews.

Submission Requirements

To enhance the efficiency of academic exchange, we emphasize that all authors must submit their manuscripts through our electronic submission platform. Please upload your documents in Microsoft Word format.

Our journal is dedicated to publishing original and high-quality Chinese academic works. Therefore, all submissions must ensure that they have not been published in any other formal academic journals. Submissions should include an abstract in both Chinese and English, a table of contents, keywords, the article title, and a detailed resume of the author. In terms of citation and formatting, submissions must strictly adhere to the standards of the Social Sciences in China. There are no word count limits for manuscripts. If you have any questions regarding the electronic submission system or other matters related to submission, please contact us via email at info@clj.ac.

Editorial and Peer Review Process

The China Law Journal enforces a rigorous review process for all submitted manuscripts. We employ a multi-stage anonymous peer review mechanism to ensure that each manuscript undergoes thorough and impartial evaluation. We ask authors to be patient and understand that our review process, aimed at maintaining academic quality and high standards of the journal, takes time.

Submission Deadlines

Our journal does not have submission deadlines. We do not reject articles due to space limitations; instead, we may hold them for consideration in the next issue. Authors will be notified of publication decisions via email, and we do not publicly discuss the specific reasons for our publication decisions.

Copyright Statement

Our journal is committed to academic excellence, emphasizing that all submitted works must be original and not previously published in other formal publications. To reflect our commitment to knowledge sharing, authors are required to agree to sign the “Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)” upon submission.