
TitleJurisprudential Discernment and Protection Path of Personal Biological Information in the Context of Metaverse
AuthorRuwen Pei
AffiliationUniversity of Manchester, UK.
关键字元宇宙  个人生物信息  敏感个人信息  间接识别  去中心化身份
KeywordsMetaverse, Personal Bio-Information, Sensitive Personal Information, Indirect Identification, Decentralised Identity

摘要:元宇宙是借助数字技术打造的沉浸式全息虚拟社会,其实现需要依靠增强现实(AR)、虚拟现实(VR)等沉浸式技术设备获得用户的动态,在此过程中需要大量收集用户的身体特征数据、手势动作、眼球位置信息等广义的“个人生物信息”。当前,我国《个人信息保护法》对于广义上的“个人生物信息”并无明确定义,仅将“个人生物识别信息”列举为“特殊个人敏感信息”的七种情形之一。结合个人生物信息在元宇宙中的技术中立、平台管理、跨国利用、去中心化追责风险,应拓宽“个人生物识别信息”的法律概念,将“可识别”纳入其概念范畴内,以回应个人生物信息的广义内涵。此外,还需要建立去中心化身份认证系统,完善 “My Data” 数据模式,并强化代码与法律的互补,以构建更加全面和有效的个人生物信息保护机制,在技术发展的同时确保个人隐私不受侵害,构建安全、公正、有序的元宇宙环境。

Abstract: Metaverse is an immersive holographic virtual society created with the help of digital technology, the realisation of which needs to rely on immersive technological devices such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) to obtain the dynamics of the user, and in the process needs to collect a large number of user’s physical characteristics data, gestures, eye position information and other broadly-defined “personal bio-information”. Currently, China’s Personal Information Protection Law does not have a clear definition of “personal biological information” in the broad sense, and only lists “personal biometric information” as one of the seven types of “special personal sensitive information”. It only lists “personal biometric information” as one of the seven cases of “special personal sensitive information”. Taking into account the risks of technological neutrality, platform management, transnational use and decentralisation of personal biometric information in the meta-universe, the legal concept of “personal biometric information” should be broadened to include “identifiable” in its conceptual scope, in order to respond to the broad connotation of personal biometric information. The legal concept of “personal biometric information” should be broadened to include “identifiable” in order to respond to the broader meaning of personal biometric information. In addition, it is also necessary to establish a decentralised authentication system, improve the “My Data” data model, and strengthen the complementarity between code and law, in order to build a more comprehensive and effective protection mechanism for personal biometric information, to ensure that personal privacy is not infringed upon while the technology develops, and to build a safe, just and orderly meta-universe environment.