
TitleDam(n) Displacement: Compensation, Resettlement, and Indigeneity
作者斯蒂芬·蒙泽 著; 张由 译
AuthorStephen R. Munzer trans., by You Zhang
作者单位斯蒂芬·蒙泽加州大学,洛杉矶分校法学院杰出法学研究教授(Distinguished Research Professor of Law)。张由,上海交通大学凯原法学院。
AffiliationStephen R. Munzer, Distinguished Research Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law; You Zhang, Koguan School of Law, SJTU.
关键字大坝移民 补偿 安置 土著
KeywordsDam Displacement, Compensation, Resettlement, Indigeneity

摘要:水电大坝可被用于发电、治理洪涝灾害和改善农业灌溉条件。然而这些大坝工程的建设和运营时常会导致当地居民被移民搬迁(forced displacement)。移民搬迁常常会对那些极度贫困、受压迫与政治边缘化的土著居民产生极大的影响。其中的负面影响可以通过多种措施来进行缓解:(1)认真考量大坝引发的发展(dam-induced development)的伦理;(2)根除腐败;(3)在大坝项目开始时或该时间点附近支付补偿;(4)采取土地交换(land-for-land exchanges)政策;(5)为因大坝工程而移民搬迁者提供重现安置所需的资金,直到他们在新址得到了稳定的安置。(6) 要求那些向外国政府提供建坝贷款的机构保留一定比例的贷款,并用以支付大坝移民的搬迁补偿与安置费用。
在危地马拉受奇索伊大坝(Chixoy Dam)建设影响的玛雅·阿奇人(Maya Achi)在任何传统定义下都属于“土著人”(indigenous people)。与之不同,由于外来者征服和殖民的历史叙事在中国并不适用,因此其境内受大坝建设影响的少数民族(ethnic minorities)并非传统意义上的土著人。然而本文认为他们仍旧可以被认为是土著型的少数民族(indigenous ethnic minorities),这是因为与其它具有殖民历史的国家类似,在中国也存在主体民族统治、压迫和歧视少数民族的现象。

Abstract: Hydroelectric dams produce electricity, provide flood control, and improve agricultural irrigation. But the building and operation of these dams frequently involve forced displacement of local communities. Displacement often has an outsized impact on indigenous persons, who are disproportionately poor, repressed, and politically marginalized. One can limit these adverse effects in various ways: (1) taking seriously the ethics of dam-induced development, (2) rooting out corruption, (3) paying compensation at or near the beginning of dam projects, (4) using land-for-land exchanges, (5) disbursing resettlement funds as needed until displaced persons are firmly established in their new locations, and (6) having entities that loan money to foreign governments for power dams insist that a percentage of the loan be sequestered to cover compensation and resettlement costs. This sextet of sensible measures must, however, be applied to highly different countries and indigenous persons. This application will be unsuccessful unless these measures fit the local situations on the ground. This Article shows how one can succeed in two quite different countries–China and Guatemala–in which past efforts have proved inadequate. Maya Achi displaced by the Chixoy Dam in Guatemala are an “indigenous people” under any traditional definition. Ethnic minorities displaced by dams in China are not traditional indigenous peoples because historical narratives of outsider conquest and colonization do not apply to them. They are, however, indigenous ethnic minorities. The Han Chinese supermajority dominates, represses, and discriminates against them. China ought to treat them in basically the same way that other countries ought to treat their indigenous peoples.